Decatur Tummy Tuck

Woman's tummyDo you desire a flatter, more defined midsection? Many people do, yet their fitness or diet efforts fall short of giving them the stomach they crave. Plastic surgery in the form of abdominoplasty, or a tummy tuck, can remove excess skin and fat while tightening the abdomen wall. If you live in Decatur, Atlanta Plastic Surgery Specialists are nearby in Atlanta, offering our specialized No-Drain, No-Pain Tummy Tuck.

Fat accumulated in the stomach region can be one of the most difficult areas to lose. Even those that have lost a large amount of weight may still have excess skin and fat that stubbornly remains around their midsection. Due to changes in the muscles and skin, it may not be possible to achieve a flat stomach. A tummy tuck uses liposuction, skin excision and suturing of the abdomen muscles to create a tighter, more youthful stomach.

Dr. Mark Mitchell Jones is our skilled plastic surgeon at Atlanta Plastic Surgery Specialists. Using the most advanced options in liposuction and other surgical techniques, he can transform the midsection for our male and female patients who desire a flatter stomach. Dr. Jones has been in private practice since 1989, is double board certified and has extensive training in the field of liposuction, a key component in the tummy tuck procedure. His No-Drain, No-Pain Tummy Tuck offers many advantages over inferior methods, especially when it comes to results and recovery for the patient.

Advantages of the No-Drain, No-Pain Method

Dr. Mark Mitchell Jones offers six types of tummy tucks at our clinic, addressing the different needs of our patients. Each tummy tuck patient is unique and may require a different level of surgical alterations to restore a flat abdomen area. Almost all tummy tuck procedures will require liposuction to remove excess fat, but the amount of skin excision and suturing of the abdomen muscles can vary.

Since liposuction is key in a tummy tuck procedure, it is important to have an expert in surgical fat removal perform a tummy tuck. Dr. Mark Mitchell Jones is one of the leading experts in liposuction, having studied under the inventor of the procedure in Paris, France. Over the last twenty-plus years, he has improved upon the techniques he learned from Dr. Yves Illouz with his no-drain method. His precision and expertise removing excess fat allow for his patients to skip using a surgical drain after the procedure, reducing pain, discomfort and complications.

Not needing a drain after a tummy tuck has many advantages. Patients do not have the inconvenience of emptying their drain bulb of fluid several times a day over the course of their recovery. Plus, the drain can leave a large scar and is often a source of complications. Recovery can be quicker and less uncomfortable for our patients, thanks to the no-drain technique used in our liposuction and tummy tuck procedures.

Reducing discomfort, especially pain, is another aspect of the No-Drain, No-Pain Tummy Tuck that Dr. Jones offers. His expertise in pain control through anesthesia and other methods reduces the pain for his tummy tuck patients. While soreness can be expected after surgery, his methods help eliminate severe pain for the comfort of the patient.

If you live in Decatur and have been considering seeking surgical assistance for losing your belly fat or excess skin, come see our resident tummy tuck expert at Atlanta Plastic Surgery Specialists. Dr. Mark Mitchell Jones can meet with you for a confidential consultation to discuss your desire to have a flatter abdomen and explain how our specialized tummy tuck procedure can benefit you. Contact us today to begin your journey to a new look for your midsection.