5 Reasons for Arm Lift Surgery

1st February 2021
Arm Lift Atlanta GA

Arm lift surgery, or Brachioplasty, is a cosmetic procedure that can resize and reshape your arms. More defined arms, especially upper arms, can help you feel comfortable wearing your favorite clothes. There are many other reasons for arm lift surgery, but let’s look at the top five.

Extra Fat and Skin

The most common reason for seeing excess skin in the upper arms is weight loss. Whether through weight loss surgery or a diet and exercise program, you may have lost some fat in your upper arms but not the skin. Arm lift surgery can reduce the excess skin to show off the true results of your weight loss.

Size & Shape

Another reason for arm lift surgery is to reduce the size of your arms or to create a more contoured shape. Even without weight loss, sometimes working out can create toned muscle, but the skin isn’t as elastic. Genetics can also predispose us to have loose skin in our arms. Brachioplasty is a common solution for both.


Scars from injuries or previous surgeries can be visible for many years and some may not fade as well as others. Through arm lift surgery, scarred skin can be removed or tucked in a way that reduces its appearance.

Comfort & Hygiene

Excess skin in the upper arm can be uncomfortable. The skin can become pinched as you move during your sleep or even within your clothing. It can also cause sweating or rashes. By reducing the amount of extra skin, these discomforts can be reduced.


When you don’t feel at ease in your own skin, you can lose confidence not just in your appearance, but in your abilities as well. You might start comparing yourself to others. By improving the way you see the shape and size of your arms, you may also improve your self-esteem.

To meet with Dr. Mark Jones at his Atlanta offices, call (404) 355-3566. During your consultation, you will learn more about arm lift surgery and how it may be able to give you results that are more pleasing to the eye, and to your self-confidence.

Posted on behalf of Dr. Mark Mitchell Jones, Atlanta Plastic Surgery Specialists, P.C.