An Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) Can Widen Your Wardrobe Options

9th November 2022
Arm Lift Atlanta GA

Do you shy away from particular garments or cuts because you do not want people to see your arms? It is common for those who feel self-conscious about their arms to avoid wearing specific clothing, even if it means being uncomfortable. For example, you may choose to wear a long-sleeve shirt despite the heat or being at the beach to hide your bat wings—upper arms with saggy, excess fat and skin. An arm lift, or brachioplasty, could be the answer to your upper arm woes.

Is an Arm Lift Right for You?

Those with excess skin on their upper arms may benefit from an arm lift. Your arms can get much slimmer from the procedure. Plus, it is possible to use liposuction in conjunction with an arm lift to get rid of excess, stubborn fat.

You can make your arms look better by eating well and working out, but you cannot fix skin that has been stretched. Thus, you may be left with excess skin hanging from your upper arms when you lose a significant amount of weight. Or perhaps aging is to blame. In either case, you can ask about brachioplasty if your weight is stable, you are not overweight, you do not smoke and you are committed to living a healthy life.

Before you decide if an arm lift is right for you, you can set up a consultation with Atlanta Plastic Surgery Specialists. Dr. Mark Mitchell Jones will need to assess your general health first to know if you are a candidate. Certain conditions may interfere with how well you will heal following surgery. We can also explain the arm lift’s benefits and procedure. Being informed will help you make the right choice so you feel confident and happy with the results.

What is an Arm Lift?

An arm lift can help when you want to enhance the look of the inner aspect of your upper arms. The procedure removes the upper arm’s sagging skin and subcutaneous fat to make it look more toned.

Wear What You Want After Brachioplasty

Excessive arm skin and fat can be uncomfortable and embarrassing for some. If your arms make you unhappy and limit your outfit options, book a brachioplasty appointment with Dr. Jones. Arm lift surgery by a highly experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Jones can boost your confidence and make shopping and wearing garments more enjoyable. Do not spend another day hiding your arms under long-sleeve shirts. Contact us today.

Posted on behalf of Dr. Mark Mitchell Jones, Atlanta Plastic Surgery Specialists, P.C.