Get a Flatter, Tighter Tummy in Atlanta

23rd August 2021
Flat Stomach

Many women experience some level of dissatisfaction with their abdomen after childbirth. Of the approximately 60% of women who will experience an abdominal muscle separation during pregnancy, many will detect a continuing aesthetic abnormality after healing from childbirth. This problem is caused when the diastasis abdominus muscles become separated, known as diastasis recti. The muscles in question can separate as much as five centimeters, causing health issues as well as aesthetic concerns.

What Causes Diastasis Recti?

Diastasis recti occurs when pressure forces a separation of the abdominal wall muscles, such as through pregnancy. A hernia can also cause this condition, but it must develop quite severely to cause a prolonged separation. Most women suffering from diastasis recti feel a noticeable difference when lying flat and experience reduced core strength. A droopy, flabby-appearing midsection is the most noticeable symptom, especially one that resists any form of exercise or attempts at toning.

The abdominal muscles have separated, stretched and become more elongated, far beyond that which can naturally recover without medical intervention. Your chances of developing a hernia are increased, as is the occurrence of recurring lower back pain and a poor posture. Many women are ashamed to show their tummy because of the noticeable bulge above the panty line.

Diastasis Recti Repair Surgery

Dr. Mark Mitchell Jones is a talented and experienced Atlanta plastic surgeon who offers diastasis recti repair surgery to his Georgia patients. Dr. Jones recommends that women wait at least seven or eight months after delivery to address this problem. The maternal hormones can affect muscles and connective tissues for at least this long after pregnancy, which can affect any diastasis recti treatments.

When abdominal muscles are stretched and separated after pregnancy and do not return to their previous condition naturally, an abdominoplasty surgery is often necessary to correct the problem. Diastasis recti repair surgery can also be included in a tummy tuck procedure to provide patients with a tighter, flatter tummy. If surgery is recommended, Dr. Jones can explain more about the procedure and recovery after an examination and consultation at his Atlanta offices.

Contact the offices of Atlanta Plastic Surgery Specialists today to schedule an exam and consultation about diastasis recti repair surgery with Dr. Mark Mitchell Jones.

Posted on behalf of Dr. Mark Mitchell Jones, Atlanta Plastic Surgery Specialists, P.C.