Is Blepharoplasty the Right Choice for Hooded Eyelids?

7th September 2021
Eyelid Surgery

Your eyes can communicate a lot of information. Your mood, emotions and even your age are expressed through eye movement and appearance. Some of your expressions are voluntary, but others are not. For some people, hooded eyes are age-related. Over time, your eye muscles weaken and stretch your eyelid, creating a droopy, down-turned eye area. In others, hooded eyes are genetic or inherited, and the resulting look can be the same as age-related hooding.

Hooded eyelids can make you appear older than you are, and many people are concerned their hooded eyes make them look tired or even sad. Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) can help you appear younger and wide awake, while removing the down-turned corners for a brighter expression when your face is at rest.

How Does Blepharoplasty Help Hooded Eyes?

With upper eyelid surgery, an incision is made and the excess skin and fat from above the eye are removed. The incision is then closed, resulting in a lifted, more youthful appearance. Great care is taken to minimize and hide any scarring.

Not all blepharoplasty for hooded eyes is cosmetic. The sagging skin may become so severe it interferes with a person’s peripheral vision. Upper eyelid surgery can restore your sightlines, while providing you with the benefits of a cosmetic procedure. The surgical procedure is the same, although each patient is evaluated for their unique needs, and the approach to the procedure is adjusted accordingly.

Blepharoplasty can also address the lower eyelid. Fat deposits under the eye (“eye bags”) or dark hollows beneath the eyes can be corrected.

Choose Atlanta Plastic Surgery Specialists

Dr. Jones does not treat all eyelid surgery in an “assembly-line” fashion. He will repair your eyelids in a way that appears natural and fits with your features. While performing blepharoplasty for hooded eyes, Dr. Jones can address your lower eyelid concerns, as well as correct sagging eyebrows with a brow lift. This combination results in complete rejuvenation of your eyes.

Whether your hooded eyes are age-related or genetic, Dr. Jones at Atlanta Plastic Surgery Specialists can restore a brighter appearance to your eyes and face. Contact the office today to book your consultation.

Posted on behalf of Dr. Mark Mitchell Jones, Atlanta Plastic Surgery Specialists, P.C.