Traditional Facelifts Versus Natural Uplift Facelifts

8th August 2022
Face of a beautiful mature woman

The facelift procedure has been used for decades to tighten sagging skin on the lower face and upper neck. The techniques have improved greatly over the years to reduce the “stretched” appearance of surgically tightened skin, but some facelift results still have an unnatural look. Dr. Mark Mitchell Jones at Atlanta Plastic Surgery Specialists, PC has created a specialized technique called the Natural Uplift Facelift, or NU Facelift, that has superior outcomes compared to the traditional facelift.

Discreet Surgical Scars

Traditional facelift incisions are made in the hairline around the ear and on the neck. The upper incisions can be noticeable for those with short hair or when hair is pulled back, and the neck incisions may be visible.

With the NU Facelift, the incisions are carefully placed in the crease in front of the ear. Once healed, the scar is very discreet and almost impossible to see. There are no incisions at all on the neck, which means fewer scars and quicker healing.

Customized Surgery Options

Traditional facelifts are usually performed under general anesthesia in a hospital or surgical center. The NU Facelift can also be performed in a hospital with general anesthesia, but Dr. Jones also offers his technique under local anesthesia. This can be performed at his facility, which allows for a quicker and less invasive approach for some patients.

Natural Outcomes

While many traditional facelifts can look beautiful, there are still some that can appear unbalanced and “fake.” Elevating the skin and tissue through incisions behind the ears can leave the cheek tissue sagging while the surrounding areas are tightened. With the strategically placed incision, the NU Facelift allows Dr. Jones to smooth nasolabial folds and lift the cheek pads for a more complete and balanced facial rejuvenation.

Less Bruising and Swelling

One of the biggest differences between a traditional facelift and the NU Facelift is recovery. Patients may experience less bruising and swelling with a shorter recovery time. Dr. Jones uses less dissection, which minimizes bleeding, bruising and discomfort with fewer risks of complications.

To learn more about the benefits of the Natural Uplift Facelift, contact us at Atlanta Plastic Specialists, PC. Call today to schedule a NU Facelift consultation with Dr. Mark Mitchell Jones.

Posted on behalf of Dr. Mark Mitchell Jones, Atlanta Plastic Surgery Specialists, P.C.