Ruptured Implant: What is the Next Step?

19th September 2014

All breast implants have the potential of breaking. The older your breast implant is, the more likely it is to break. So, what is the next step if you have a ruptured breast implant? The first thing to do if you think your implant has ruptured is visit your doctor. The recommended course of treatment  … Read more

Facetime Facelift: New Trend in Cosmetic Surgery?

16th September 2014

Today, most Americans use the Facetime application on their iPhone or similar videoconferencing application on their phone, laptop or other electronic device daily. Video chats are now being used for online dating, business meetings, job interviews and more. This prompted a plastic surgeon in Virginia to name a new plastic surgery procedure: the Facetime Facelift.

What is the Difference Between Rhinoplasty and Septoplasty?

15th September 2014

Both Septoplasty and Rhinoplasty procedures are often referred to as “nose jobs.” However, there is a difference between the two plastic surgery procedures. Rhinoplasty is sometimes called “nose reshaping” and is a type of cosmetic surgery that can be used to change the size and/or appearance of the nose. Rhinoplasty can be used to change  … Read more

Ear Trauma and Reconstruction

30th August 2014

If you have been in an accident that resulted in trauma to your ear or if you have a child who has suffered trauma to the ear, you are not alone. Unfortunately, parts of the ear are frequently injured. This is due, in part, to the ear’s exposure from its projection from the head. In  … Read more

Are You Considering Facelift Surgery?

22nd August 2014

Facelifts are a popular facial cosmetic surgery procedure that can be used to help both women and men achieve a more vibrant and youthful appearance. Recent innovations and advances in facelift surgery techniques make this procedure more efficient and effective than ever before. However, deciding to have facelift surgery or any type of cosmetic surgery  … Read more

Telltale Signs of Aging

8th August 2014

If you are a woman past the age of forty, you have probably thought a little bit about the aging process. Even if you still feel young at heart, the truth is that there are certain changes that take place as a natural part of the aging process. These small but noticeable changes threaten to  … Read more

Are Overly Large Breasts Negatively Affecting Your Life?

18th July 2014

Being well-endowed can be a good thing. However, there is such a thing as “too much of a good thing” when it comes to breast size. Overly large breasts can make it difficult to participate in activities such as sports and can make it challenging to find clothing that fits. Carrying overly large breasts can  … Read more

Is Plastic Surgery Right for Me?

17th July 2014

If you are considering plastic surgery to enhance your appearance, you are not alone. Everyday individuals like you make the important decision to undergo plastic surgery procedures such as breast enlargements, breast reductions, Rhinoplasty, facelifts, tummy tucks and more. Maybe you have always wanted larger breasts. Perhaps an over-prominent nose has always bothered you and  … Read more

Microdermabrasion: A Non-Surgical Treatment to Promote Healthy Glowing Skin

15th July 2014

What is microdermabrasion? Microdermabrasion is a technique that uses a hand held device that sprays tiny crystals across the face, mixing gentle abrasion with suction to remove the dead, outer layer of skin. It polishes the skin and stimulates the production of skin cells and collagen, giving the skin an overall fresh, healthy-looking glow. Microdermabrasion  … Read more

Liposuction: Is it Right For Me?

1st July 2014

Do you have problem areas on your body that are resistant to lifestyle changes such as dieting and exercise? For many women, the hips, buttocks and thigh area are a problem. For others, particularly women who have had children, the abdominal area can be challenging. As we age, it can be hard to get rid  … Read more